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Winter car window can do to improve the air quality inside the vehicle
Release time:2012.11.22 News source:TAIZHOU ENHONG MACHINERY MANUFACTURING CO., LTD.plastic parts,rubber parts,ball joint,forging parts,stamping parts Browsing number:
Do not ignore these details the harm caused by the decline of the air quality inside is not only harmful to the health of the driver, also has security implications for safe driving, it can be said, how to improve the quality of air inside the car is also driving in the winter required course. To this end, Well Hung ball joint, I will introduce several simple tricks to enhance the quality of air inside the vehicle. Winter driving the process, most people like to close the window, so that the quality of air inside the car is getting worse because of poor air circulation. In the case of the outside temperature is lower, and the temperature and fresh air caught? The most effective method is to alternate use of the air conditioning inside / outside the circle, the specific operation according to the road conditions may be: in the open environment of the road and no smell, no sand, not open the window must use the outer loop "mode; visiting automobile congestion, emissions serious sections for the" inner loop "mode.

In the process of long-distance driving, experienced master craftsmen generally recommended: every one hour open windows convection.

In particular, to remind excessive air conditioning filter dust above or has been the breeding ground for mold, be sure to replace it immediately. If you think the 4S shop price is too high, they can apply to the brand online shopping a cabin air filters, the price is about the tens of dollars to a hundred or so.

If you clean and replace the air filter after the air conditioning can smell the odor, such as moldy or smell, it probably is more common in the years of car air conditioning duct hang out of the question, especially used . This case is strongly recommended to the 4S shop duct cleaning out. Of course, you can also DIY: the cleaning agent is injected into the air conditioning vent, adjusted to the inner loop, maximum wind open about 15 minutes, so that the cleaning agent to achieve the purpose of purifying full circle in a wind tunnel.

Fabric seating surfaces often will absorb a lot of dust, which is the driver is easy to overlook that. Therefore recommended winter vacuumed on a regular basis on the car floor and seats, as much as possible to reduce the dust of the car. General car wash when vacuuming services, you also owned a car with a 12V power cleaners to prepare for contingencies.

The Manned more often smoke in the car, the driver, it is recommended that the disinfection of the car on a regular basis. Automotive beauty shops have sterilized the business, common ozone disinfection and steam sterilization. In contrast, more owners choose ozone disinfection, because the price is lower than the steam sterilization time is shorter than the steam cost about twelve hundred.

Well Hung ball joint, such negative oxygen ion generator works is air molecules under high pressure or strong ray free electron ionization oxygen to produce the negative oxygen ions and negative oxygen ions on the human body The main functions of the improvement in lung function, improve cardiac function, promote metabolism. This thing is more useful for friends who smoke, because the negative ions to quickly neutralize belongs the positive ions coke smoke, soot, particulates in the air combine to achieve the effect of smoke and dust fall.
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