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Do not forget to buy a used car insurers transfer
Release time:2014.05.09 News source: Browsing number:

Pay high insurance acronym for " compulsory traffic accident liability insurance" by the insurance company to the insured motor vehicle road traffic accident caused by the victim ( not including the staff and the insured vehicle ) for personal injury , property damage, the responsibility be compensated within the limits of mandatory liability insurance. Strong insurance is China 's first national law practiced by the compulsory insurance system. Premiums are implemented nationwide standardized charges by provisions of national unity , but different car models have different pay high insurance rates , the main factors are "car seats ."

      According to ex -hung ball joint note , in the course of trade in used car , lorry Insurance ( assured Paul ) process is a lot more buyers relationship problems. Online used car based on knowledge network , used car in the transaction process is generally divided into only with full insurance and pay high insurance , both of which very few are not. And all risks also includes a strong insurance . Therefore, buying a used car should be in time for the corresponding vehicle insurance.

       Booming used car market , the transaction between the owner and the owner of more and more frequent . When the vehicle transactions, transfer Forget the auto insurance , in order to avoid unnecessary trouble .

Used Car Insurance formalities transfer is actually carried out the used car transaction is handled well after the registration certificate owner information changes , obtain a new license plate and driving the vehicle , the vehicle of the original beneficiary of the insurance endorsement and license plate number be changed . Used Car Insurance transfer the materials needed is relatively simple : If the transfer is completed in the city to change the content owners insurance policy requires the new owner and the original owner with the original policy , identity cards , driving and transfer to prove this to the original insurance company .

Of course , not all local used car trading transactions under the premise of conducting remote transactions, used car insurers can choose to be insured drained away, but the need to retain strong insurance ( pay compulsory insurance is a " vehicle " no " with the people ," and in the country as applicable ) . If not promptly change the dangerous condition of the old and new owners need to be present at the same time claims, but in fact many of the original owner can not be present, so the timely transfer of insurance used car is very important.


       Commercial auto insurance is best used car transfers timely change . If the transfer of the city , the owner of the contents of the policy change , which requires the new owner and the original owner with the original policy , identity cards , driving and transfer to prove this to the original insurance company . If you do not change in time , then the dangerous condition of the old and new owners need to be present at the same time claims . But the fact is that when an accident claims require a lot of original owners simply can not be present . So, ahead of the best selling cars in front of the owners retire .

      Accordingball joint to used car insurers after the transfer is in fact second-hand car trading , original insurance endorsement of the vehicle and license plate number be beneficiaries to make changes . So used car insurer is no charge transfer materials needed are relatively simple. Need to fill out a car insurance transfer application , and requires the presence of the old and new owners together . When the transfer need to bring the original policy , driving license and vehicle ownership invoices and other documents. Insurance companies immediately after an audit will give you the appropriate issue a single batch to complete the transfer of insurance . Noted , Used Car Insurance transfer is in fact the second-hand car trading , original insurance endorsement of the vehicle and license plate number be beneficiaries to make changes . So used car insurer is no charge transfer materials needed are relatively simple. Need to fill out a car insurance transfer application , and requires the presence of the old and new owners together . When the transfer need to bring the original policy , driving license and vehicle ownership invoices and other documents. Insurance companies immediately after an audit will give you the appropriate issue a single batch to complete the transfer of insurance .

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