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New car smell is an old topic
Release time:2014.05.10 News source:Taizhou Enhong Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.tie rod end,rack end,ball joint,stabilizer link,drag link Browsing number:

The weather is getting hot, the car temperature is rising , while the pungent odor also heavier. In fact , just bought a new car at a good time just recently renovated rooms , as there are always some people uncomfortable smell the smell . Even if every car passing cars at the factory , the factory have been rigorous odor checks to ensure that every user in the hands of a car can reach accord with human body odor acceptable limits , so that the health of the occupants will not be affected , but deep flavor or let the car occupants can not stand . Therefore, many owners have adopted the method to release window ventilation odors , however, this method is very slow to bear fruit .

      According to ex -hung tie rod end note , for less serious car smell , the experts recommended that owners can find a sunny day to drive to the hot sun , so that the air conditioning system in the heater block , and then open to the maximum amount of wind , the door windows under full sun on the state of ten minutes . One can use the car to the second largest ultraviolet disinfection ; secondly let hot air flow passage of the dirty air inside to be thoroughly circulate .

      Air filter normal conditions , the life of a factory is 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers , if often traveling in poor air quality dirt road or pavement would shorten the timely replacement cycle . Especially for people who frequently smoke in the car , pay more attention to Qinhuan air filter . Clean up your own cartridge is simple , according to ex -hung tie rod end understanding , air intake filters located near the air conditioning vent , a little mechanical knowledge demolished owners can replace yourself . If long-term use in the automotive air conditioning cycle work , and the air conditioning filter is not particularly dirty, you can use high-pressure air gun blowing , drying in the sun and then a few hours later back in place to achieve the purpose in addition to odor .

      New car smell is an old topic , so , in addition to the new car smell , there are many ways . Both can use fruits , charcoal to suck the car smell, can also be removed by a professional air control . These methods are either effective process is relatively slow , time-consuming or cumbersome . But recently compared a popular heating method is more casual flavor save it.

      There is a simple way to remove the smell inside the duct , is the use of air conditioning duct cleaning agent. Step usually is this: before disinfection , the first car food , paper towels to remove , to avoid odor absorption . Start the car , find air conditioning air intake and remove the filter. Mat towel to prevent air cleaning fluid outflow at the outlet . Then open the windows , the air conditioning, refrigeration and air volume to maximum , will be transferred to the outer loop the loop block , and then began to automotive air intake suction strongest position inject air cleaner . After all cleaning agents injected , turn off air conditioning , still 10 minutes . After 10 minutes, re- open air , and the air volume to maximum, for 10 minutes or more , then people will find the vehicle slowly out of the dirty water , but in fact this is conditioned by the internal fluid drain sewage discharged outside the .

      Car owners can try this method. Note that , with the smell of exhaust hot air to accelerate the car does not mean the car is placed in the hot sun exposure, but also can play properly hot sun deodorant effect, but prolonged exposure to the sun is not desirable, should be avoided.

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