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Then test the ability to upgrade to a driving test "rule blocking
Release time:2014.05.12 News source:Taizhou Enhong Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.tie rod end,rack end,ball joint,stabilizer link,drag link Browsing number:

Since the introduction of the new driving test to regulations , driving test questions constantly exposed to , which is the most representative test period is too long , so that candidates who miserable. On the one hand , the new test regulations more attention to detail than ever before , more rigorous exams . On the other hand , new entrants techniques, such as electronic examiner Candidates also need to improve the appearance of the strain and adaptability. These factors allow candidates to appear make-up , re-examination of the case , get permits time delays.

      According Hengding  tie rod end unit noted , will be the national standard driver training industry since June 1 implementation of "motor vehicle driver training institutions qualifications " and "motor vehicle driver training field coach technical requirements ," the two standards. According to the Department of Transportation requirements , in addition to the existing motor vehicle driver training institutions should follow the two national standards before December 31 this year to complete the transformation , but since June 1 , reporting on new motor vehicle driver training business license , will shall be implemented in accordance with the new national standards. After the implementation of the new national standard , the new driving school must meet the new standards , while the existing driving school in the implementation of the new standards will have a " grace period ."

Since the new test regulations , the application of new test technology is immutable things , in the face of such a large backlog of candidates , Communications Commission to limit students per coach car places , although driving school can ease regardless of capacity , blind expansion of enrollment improper practices , but in the final analysis , the need for a driver's license of the public, is by no means a "good bridge ."

      The introduction of a new national standard for the training site area driver training institutions explicitly added mandatory : a small vehicle driver training , for example, according to a new national standard , will be divided according to the size of one, two, three , the smallest of the three driving school coach venues are required to achieve a minimum area of ​​10,000 square meters , with a total length of bicycle paths to reach the minimum 1 km coach car to reach at least 20 units.

According Hengding tie rod end  understand , in fact , solve the problem of driving test backlog , " Shu" is benevolent. According to the experience of developed countries in large cities , the urban population has a driver's license not less than 50% , according to Guangzhou is currently only 23% of license ownership , indicating that in the future for a long period of time, learn to drive enrollment will remain growth spurt . When the examination appeared to ease government resources can not meet the needs of the people of the problem , the government should convert ideas . When the exam ended due to objective questions and become " a hot commodity " when necessary for the Government to increase investment , the ability to test the examination room , Vehicle Administration to make a substantial improvement.

       In addition to coaching site area includes clear requirements , driveways and other hardware facilities of the length , the new national standard setting in training courses also added content. Two new national standard for the training set increases subjects SimCity roads content requires driving school training in the field of self- training lane must be the creation of urban roads analog content, including traffic lights, bus stops , school zones , road and rail intersections , pedestrian zebra and so on.

       "The new national standard of driving school requirements to improve the impact on the entire industry is huge ." Yunguanchu city driving Pei stakeholders said the existing 20 Driving Haikou , where 19 is an integrated class II Driving School . To meet the requirements of the new national standard , which is 19 Driving To standards , you have to comprehensively improve the standard facilities .

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